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McJoueur - Gallagher and Galchenyuk
On Instagram, we invite people to vote for their favorite burgers during McJoueur campaign.

Trio Regal
For $5, you can only get a Trio Regal, that make your money's worth

St-Jean (Quebec's anniversary)
To wish to all Quebecers a a good St-Jean!

Jeux du Québec
To wish to all the Jeux du Québec's participants a good competition

McJoueur - Poutine Petry
Make the perfect goal with the Poutine Petry.

McCafé promotion
To create a cinematograph to promote the McCafé deal.
Divers "posts" sociaux réalisés pour McDonald's. Plus sur demande.
Some social posts created for McDonald's. More on request.
Conception, direction artistique,
set design, photographie et retouches
Agence : DDB Montréal
Art Direction, Set Design, Photography and Retouching
Agency: DDB Montréal
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